According to the American Optometric Association, babies should have their first exam around six months of age. By this age, babies should be able to focus, see color and have depth perception. Optometrists will make sure their eyes are developing normally, checking for signs of near or farsightedness, lazy eye, crossed eyes or severe cases such as cancer.
Early intervention is critical for successful treatment. Despite the nation's present system of preschool vision screening, there exists a lack of understanding by the public of the importance of periodic professional eye and vision assessments. It is estimated that one in five preschoolers has vision problems that can interfere with learning and behavior, yet during the course of their young lives, many children never see an eye care practitioner who can provide the kind of professional eye assessment necessary to correct those problems.
An InfantSEE assessment between 6 and 12 months of age is recommended to determine if an infant is at risk for eye or vision disorders. Since many eye problems arise from conditions that can be identified by an eye doctor in the infant's first year of life, a parent can give an infant a great gift by seeking an InfantSEE assessment in addition to the wellness evaluation of the eyes that is done by a pediatrician or family practice doctor.