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InfantSEE Provider Center

Provider Center for InfantSEE

Thank you for providing InfantSEE care to babies in your community.

Through your clinical education, training, experience, and broad geographic distribution, you have the means to provide effective primary eye and vision services to children in the United States.

Through our outreach to the public, other healthcare professionals and state and federal legislators, the word spreads about the importance of early eye health and vision care for infants across the U.S. and the availability of InfantSEE assessments.

InfantSEE intends to change the way parents think about eye care for their infants—and the entire family. The program also has the opportunity to educate the public about the profession of optometry and its role in the healthcare landscape. Most importantly, InfantSEE assessments allow proper time to intervene for developing vision problems.

Everyday your participation helps us fulfill our mission. Thank you!

InfantSEE Partners

Some parts of our website will be briefly unavailable while we perform server maintenance Wednesday, February 19 at 3:30pm central. 

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